Just a small sampling of the many things happening at businesses throughout the waterfront district. Want to find more great things? Check out our business directory at https://www.ghdwa.org/waterfront-district.
Follow along and find more details at https://harborhistorymuseum.org/historyrocks24
Take a peek at their delicious menu and get ready to order! https://butterchickenindiankitchen.toast.site/
Follow along and find more details at https://www.facebook.com/hoppharm
Gig Harbor Waterfront ArtWalk is THIS Saturday, August 3rd!
Participating Locations (click business name to link to more info):
Saturday, October 12th from 2pm - 6pm.
Save the date and stay tuned for essential event information and ticket release date in mid-September. Find more information in our weekly newsletter, socials, and on our event website at www.ghdwa.org/autumn-sip-and-stroll
FREE Farmers Market Shuttle
Connecting YOU to Farmers Market at Skansie Brothers Park each market day - Thursdays @ 1pm - 6pm.
Starts at Kimball Park and Ride with stops at:
1 - Judson St near Timberland Bank
2 - Farmers Market!
3 - Donkey Creek Park near History Museum and lots of restaurants
4 - return to Farmers Market
5 - return to Judson St
and returns to Kimball Park and Ride.
Find all the details including schedule time www.waterfrontfarmersmarket.org/services-2
🤩 Thank you for following along with us and supporting the people and places that make Gig Harbor's Waterfront so charming and fun to visit. We appreciate you!
Your friends at the Gig Harbor Waterfront Alliance